過去幾年大家對於在簡單舒適的家中體現精緻生活有所追求,亦鼓勵我們在急速的生活節奏放慢步。難怪 Japandi風格的崛起-這種獨特的室內風格不僅提供實用且簡潔俐落的結構空間,同時亦兼具功能性,締造溫暖舒適的氛圍,是讓您感受寧靜一刻及活在當下的完美之選。
the pandemic created a shift in mindset among our society, where we learned how to slow down from our fast-paced world, get in touch with nature, and enjoy life’s simplest pleasures. quiet luxury is a continuation of that sentiment and is beyond just a fleeting design trend. indeed, quality and timelessness are important factors to look out for, but beneath it lies a consideration for your real life needs – how these pieces add functionality whilst bringing joy and refined elegance to your everyday.
雖然Japandi反映了兩種文化的共通性,亦互相彰顯了兩種設計風格的精粹。你會發現日式侘寂美學的元素,「於不完美中尋找絕美細節」,同時亦包含北歐「hygge」 美學當中悠閒愜意且幸福的細節。儘管這兩個概念來自地球的兩端,卻能完美融合,締造美麗而平衡的觀感-注入靜謐、溫暖且悠閒的氣息,亦兼具功能性。